Retrospective of Indian Documentaries

In the Name of the God

Anand Patwardhan

‘In the Name of God’ focuses on the campaign waged by the militant Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) to destroy a 16th century mosque in Ayodhya said to have been built by Babar, the first Mughal Emperor of India. The VHP claim the mosque was built at the birth site of the Hindu god Ram after Babar razed an existing Ram temple. They are determined to build a new temple to Ram on the same site. This controversial issue, which successive governments have refused to resolve, has led to religious riots which have cost thousands their lives. ‘In the Name of God’ examines the motivations which would ultimately lead to the drastic actions of the Hindu militants, as well as the efforts of secular Indians - many of whom are Hindus - to combat the religious intolerance and hatred that has seized India in the name of God.

Anand Patwardhan

Anand Patwardhan (1950) is a documentary filmmaker from India. He studied at the Cathedral and John Connon School, completed a B.A. in English literature at Bombay University in 1970, a B.A. in Sociology at Brandeis University in 1970, and an M.A. in Communications at McGill University in 1982. He participated in the anti-Vietnam War movement from 1970–1972; as a volunteer in Caesar Chavez’ United Farm Workers Union in 1972; in Kishore Bharati, a rural development and education project in Central India in 1972–1974; and other movements for civil liberties and democratic rights.

General sponsor

Ram ke nam

2003, 88', color, 16 mm

Directed by:
Anand Patwardhan

Screenplay by:
Arvind Sinha

Anand Patwardhan

Edited by:
Anand Patwardhan, Amitabh Chakraborty

Anand Patwardhan