Retrospective of Indian Documentaries

Journeyings and Conversations

Arvind Sinha

Every day, some four million people make their way through Calcutta’s Howrah Train Station, one of the busiest stations in the world. Sinha’s latest documentary is pure narration-free verite, capturing the experience this city-like place, brimming with life and activity. Country and city, young and old, joy and sorrow - all co-exist freely at Howrah. People come and go, engage in passing conversations, perform acrobatics for money, while Sinha’s ‘invisible’ camera takes it all in.

Arvind Sinha

Arvind Sinha (34) is a self-taught filmmaker. He has been making films for the past six years. His first documentary film was on the Chhau Dance of Seraikella, which was widely acclaimed. For his second film, on the great Dhrupad singer Ustad Nasir Aminuddin Dagar, he got the National Award. He is based in Calcutta and produces his own films. ‘The Unconquerable’ is Sinha’s third film. It has also won four major international awards, two each from the prestigious film festivals of Leipzig (Germany) and Bilbao (Spain) and the National Award in India.

General sponsor

Kaya Poochhe Maya Se

2003, 88', color, 35 mm

Directed by:
Arvind Sinha

Screenplay by:
Arvind Sinha

Ranjan Palit

Edited by:
Amitabh Chakraborty

Arvind Sinha

Produced by:
A Chakra production, Jan Vrijman Fund