Regional Competition

Larissa - a Quiet Woman

Mladen Ćapin

Every trauma leaves traces that keep following us like evil spirits. When a child experiences an act of violence, perversions or traumas, he or she can hardly remain normal. Chaos, silence, escape and a refuge are the points along the way one girl has made in her quest for peace and truth. By giving a sincere account of her own misfortune, Larissa undergoes a catharsis and starts looking for a woman in herself.


Mladen Ćapin

Mladen Ćapin was born in Karlovac. He holds a degree in history and philosophy. Since 2000 he has been working as a screenwriter and director with the Documentary Department, Croatian Radiotelevision. He has made around 40 documentary programmes and films produced by HRT. His focus is on social and psychological stories and portrayals of ordinary people, their professions, passions and destinies.

General sponsor

Larissa - mirna žena

2007, 93', color, video

Directed by:
Mladen Ćapin

Screenplay by:
Mario Britvić , Mladen Ćapin

Mario Britvić

Edited by:
Damir Čučić

Lidija Bajuk

Sunčana Hrvatin - Kunić

Produced by:
Dokumentarni program HTV-a