Regional Competition

Maradonas from Horvati

Ištvan Filakovity

In a village Horvati near Zagreb, football is the most important secondary thing in the world. Main characters, who know a great deal about the game, analyze it, try to guess the future of the team, evaluate the management’s work, and every football match becomes a joyful event. Is the third league becoming the last sanctuary of the football played with true emotions or is it just a simplified mock-up of the true professionalism?

Ištvan Filakovity

Ištvan Filakovity was born in the 1960 in Hungary. He got his degree in film and TV direction on Drama Art Academy in Zagreb. He directed documentaries, TV series and theatre productions. As the assent director he co-operated on many feature-length motion pictures. He also translated a few dramas and philosophical texts.

General sponsor

Maradone iz Horvata

2007, 30', color, video

Directed by:
Ištvan Filakovity

Screenplay by:
Ištvan Filakovity

Dragan Ruljančić

Edited by:
Miran Miošić

Tihomir Preradović

Vedran Mihletić

Produced by:
KULT FILM d.o.o.