Regional Competition

My Belgrade

Maša Drndić

After 16 years, Maša is returning to Belgrade, the city of her childhood. Although she was but a little girl when she left it, this visit evokes her suppressed emotions, some surprising notions (like the fact that this is the first time she sees the city in the summer, for she would always spend her summers on the seaside in the past) and memories on some of the crucial events that changed her life and the life of her mother, writer Daša Drndić.

Maša Drndić

Maša Drndić was born in 1982. She is studying at the Academy of Applied Arts in Rijeka. She started working on documentaries when she joined a cinema club ‘Filmaktiv.’ She is also active in graphic art, photography and graphic design. 

General sponsor

Moj Beograd

Croatia, Serbia, France
2007, 10', color, video

Directed by:
Maša Drndić

Screenplay by:
Maša Drndić

Maša Drndić

Edited by:
Jovana Krstanović

Srđan Keča, Rajko Petrović

Produced by:
Atelje Varan Beograd