Regional Competition

My Friends

Lidija Zelović

This is a film about four girlfriends that grew up together in Sarajevo. Now, after the war they live in four different parts of the world. One of them is getting married and wants to get all four of them together for the first time after 14 years. Will they come? Will they make her dream come true? Can friendship survive the war?


Lidija Zelović

Lidija Zelović was born in 1970 in Yugoslavia. She studied Yugoslav literature and Serbo-Croatian language. When war started, Lidija became a refugee in The Netherlands. She went back to university to study Film and TV Sciences. This is how she became a film director. By now she has directed seven documentary films.

General sponsor

Mijn beste vrienden

Netherlands, Germany
2007, 60', color, video

Directed by:
Lidija Zelović

Screenplay by:
Lidija Zelović

Alexander Goekijan

Edited by:
Boris Gerrets

izvorna glazba iz 80ih godina s područja bivše Jugoslavije / original music from the 80’s from former Yugoslavia

Alexander Goekijan

Produced by:
Zelovic Production & Pieter van Huystee Film