Regional Competition

Niner Stretch

Željko Kipke

A filmic attempt at reconstruction of the social context of a ritual object - the knife - that the author was given 14 years ago. A trip to Fez and Marrakech is spiced with a research of circumstances that link the African continent, French government officials and an artist from Zagreb. On the course of film accidents, beside the knife, the author encounters an old Antonioni’s film (‘The Passenger’, 1968), Dubrovnik Air fleet, a ‘long niner’ (a quarter of a century old plane from the DC-9 series), a Marrakech cake shop and Abraham’s victim.

Željko Kipke

Željko Kipke was born in Čakovec in 1953. He took his degree in painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb (1971- 1976). He attended the Master Painters’ Workshop in Zagreb (1976-1981). His works were shown on te collective exhibition in Artists Space in New York in 1989. In 1991 he stayed in Marseilles where he had his one-man exhibition. His paintings were bought for the Peter Stuyvesant Collection in Amsterdam, FRAC Collection in Toulouse (Les Abbatoirs) and for Museum der Moderner Kunst in Vienna. He represented Croatia on the Biennale of Venice in 1993 and on the Biennale of Cairo in 1995. He writes essays and reviews about experimental film and the world of painting in daily press and periodicals. His films include: ‘Some Girls’ (1980-2003), ‘The Great White Spiral’ (1982-2003), ‘Summoning The Rain’ (1983-2003), ‘The Tonsure Of The Cross’ (1983/84-2003), ‘The Black Square’ (1984-2003), ‘Black Blacker Than Black’ (1985-2003).

General sponsor

Niner Stretch

2007, 10', color, video

Directed by:
Željko Kipke

Željko Kipke

Edited by:
Jasenko Rasol

Vera Robić Škarica