Regional Competition

We are Humans, aren’t we?

Pero Pavlović

In the village of Drinić near Bosanski Petrovac, for the first time, there is a competition organized among forest workers, so called ‘štrapari’, who draw logs from the forest by the help of horses. In these relations of people towards the horses the question emerges - Who is human here?

Pero Pavlović

Pero Pavlović is born in Banja Luka where he finished high school. Student on Academy of Arts Banja Luka, department camera. Cameraman on BiH national television - BHT1 since 2002. Filmography ‘Transcendencija‘ (camera asistant, 2003), ‘Dvojnik Vilijama Vilsona’ (camera, 2006), ‘Ljudi smo, zar ne?’ (camera and direction, 2007), ‘Priče u tri slike’ (camera, 2007).

General sponsor

Ljudi smo, zar ne?

Bosnia and Herzegovina
2007, 8', color, video

Directed by:
Pero Pavlović

Pero Pavlović

Edited by:
Zoran Galić


Zoran Galić

Produced by: