Regional Competition

Weddings and Diapers

Antoneta Kastrati, Casey Cooper Johnson

Marriage, once dictated by strict and uniform rules, now takes on many shapes and forms in this era of rapid social change in Kosova. ‘Weddings and Diapers’ brings four couples of different regions and generations to share how they deal with chores, child raising, freedoms and infidelity. Inviting the camera into their homes, they reveal the subtleties of their relationships with honesty and humour. How have roles changed and what are the limits to modernity in the sacred union of marriage? From milking the cow to a lesson in diaper changing, watching home wedding videos to the birth of a new baby. It’s all a part of the intimate ride we call love (and everything that comes with it) in ‘Weddings and Diapers’.

Antoneta Kastrati

Antoneta Kastrati, a recent graduate of journalism and communication master, has been involved in documentary filmmaking in Kosovo since 2000. She is a co-founder of Crossing Bridges Productions in Prishtina, focused primarily on producing high quality documentary films and television programming that addresses the most pressing social issues in Kosovar society. In the in the past several years, she has produced and directed more the 10 documentary films along with several public awareness campaigns and educational programs. Documentary films directed and produced by Antoneta have recently been screened at international film festivals in Berlin, New York, Prague, Amsterdam, Sarajevo, Linz, Afghanistan, Lisbon, etc. Filmography (as a director): ‘Seeking Magic’ (2009), ‘Whose Security?’ (2006), ‘Element FeM (2005), ‘Unspoken’ (2004).

Casey Cooper Johnson

Antoneta Kastrati and Cassey Cooper Johnson have directed several documentary films together over the past years in Kosova together with cinematographer Sevdije Kastrati. Now based in Los Angeles, Antoneta Kastrati and Cassey Cooper Johnson are writing and directing fi ction fi lms, while they continue to produce documentaries that address important issues for Kosovar society. Previously the directed ‘Weddings and Diapers’ (2007) screened at 2008 ZagrebDox.

General sponsor

Darsmat dhe pampersat

2007, 49', color, video

Directed by:
Antoneta Kastrati, Casey Cooper Johnson

Sevdije Kastrati, Casey Cooper Johnson

Edited by:
Besnik Mehmeti

Produced by:
Crossing Bridges Production, Prishtina