International Competition


Raphaël Mathié

Jean, a charming old-time French farmer, feels the pressure to sell up. He can’t work the farm as well as he used to, he’s just been conned by an African wife looking for French citizenship and the European subsidy application forms are grinding him down. Yet, he remains as stubborn as possible regarding the sale of his remaining cattle or offering his farm to a new generation of organic farmers. You can’t blame him though. His appearance is wistful and the film beautifully captures a pace of life, a romantic landscape and a dying culture with great sensitivity and empathy.

Raphaël Mathié

Raphaël Mathié has worked in film and the visual arts since 2002. Studied journalism in Strasbourg (1991- 1993) and completed film training at the Varan Workshop in 1998. Mathié has worked as a journalist for Le Figaro, Libération, Republicain and Midi Libre.

General sponsor


2007, 80', color, video

Directed by:
Raphaël Mathié

Screenplay by:
Raphael Mathié

Raphael Mathié

Edited by:
Benoit Alavoine, Veronique Bruque

Erbarme dich mein Gott, Johann Sebastian Bach

Sébastien Hussenot, Raphael Girardot

Produced by:
La luna productions

Festivals & Awards:

2008 Seattle IFF - Documentary Competition Special Jury Prize; 2007 Traces de vie IFF - Prix Regard Social & Prix de l’ACSE