International Competition

Decalogue III. Remember the Sabbath Day to Keep It Holy

Maciej Cuske

Stasiu will have his First Communion sacrament in few months. It is a hottest time in which everything, spiritually as well as materially, is being prepared for the forthcoming celebration. All members of the family go through this time in a different way: Grandparents, parents, and Stas himself. The gap between generations becomes visible. The life goes on, while the special day approaches quicker and quicker. This is indepth, carried with an ‘patient’ camera eye observation of the director’s family.

Maciej Cuske

Maciej Cuske was born in 1972 in Bydgoszcz, Poland. Graduated from the Andrzej Wajda Master School of Directing in Warsaw. Directed few widely appreciated documentary films: ‘The Cure ‘– debut, 2004, ‘The Second- Hand Bookstore’ 2005, ‘Suburban Train’ 2006.

General sponsor

III. Pamiętaj, abyś dzień święty święcił

2008, 45', color, video

Directed by:
Maciej Cuske

Screenplay by:
Maciej Cuske

Maciej Cuske

Edited by:
Artur Owczarczak

Dominik Kwasniewski

Ryszard Urbaniak

Produced by:

Festivals & Awards:

2008 Krakow Film Festival - Best Documentary Film (National Competition)