International Competition

Ma Bar

Finlay Pretsell, Adrian J. McDowall

73 year old Bill McFadyen bench presses what a man a fraction of his age could not. This is not a hobby - it’s a way of life. Believe it: Bill is going to be Scotland’s champion. A man with this much zest in his veins is destined to be a champion.

Finlay Pretsell

Finlay Pretsell started working for the Scottish Documentary Institute in 2005, during which time he has acted as Production Assistant and Production Manager on a number of short films, including ‘Butterfly’ and ‘The Truth About Tooth’ both of which were nominated for a Scottish BAFTA in 2006 & 2007 respectively. He collaborated with Adrian McDowall on 3 short sport documentaries entitled ‘The Art in Sport’. One of these 3 films is ‘Ma Bar’.

Adrian J. McDowall

Adrian J. McDowall wrote and directed his first film, ‘Who’s My Favourite Girl?’ in 1999. Film won a 1999/2000 BAFTA for best short film, a first for a student film. In 2001 he started the screenwriting company Imagine Pictures. Since then, McDowall has written and directed several short films, including ‘The Toon Fair’ and ‘Headbangers’. In 2003 he directed ‘Wise Guys’, written by Simon Stephenson, nominated for a Scottish BAFTA for best screenplay.

General sponsor

Ma Bar

Great Britain, Scotland
2008, 12', color, video

Directed by:
Finlay Pretsell, Adrian J. McDowall

Blair Scott, Filip Sycynski

Edited by:
Mark Jenkins

Matthew Aldworth

Finlay Pretsell, Adrian McDowall

Produced by:
Imagine Pictures

Festivals & Awards:

2008 BAFTA Scotland Best Short Film Award