International Competition


Antoine Cattin, Pavel Kostomarov

Liouba escaped from her violent husband with all her 9 children. She raises them along with her daughter Alesia on a farm in Russia where they both work. They devote all their overwhelming love to their maternal instincts. They take in a hungry little boy, three-year old Sacha, the son of another girl working on the farm. Liouba and Alesia belong to those people who sacrifice themselves in the name of their love. Liouba and especially Alesia are still hoping to find a good husband. So the search for a husband ends up in a struggle to kick out a parasite.

Antoine Cattin

Antoine Cattin is born in 1975 in Saignelégier. In 2001 he receives degree from the University of Lausanne. Worked in Russia as assistant director to S. Loznitsa. Filmography: ‘The Mother’ (2007 ), ‘Vivre en paix ‘ (2004), ‘Transformator’ (2003) - all as co-director, all documentaries.


Pavel Kostomarov

Pavel Kostomarov, born in 1975, Moscow, graduated in cinematography from Moscow’s VGIK. He directed a number of internationally successful documentaries, e.g. The Transformer (2003), The Days of Peace (2004), The Mother (2007).

General sponsor

La mere

Switzerland, France, Russia
2007, 80', color, video

Directed by:
Antoine Cattin, Pavel Kostomarov

Screenplay by:
Antoine Cattin, Pavel Kostomarov

Antoine Cattin, Pavel Kostomarov

Edited by:
Antoine Cattin, Pavel Kostomarov

Thierry Van Osselet, Alexander J.S.Craker

Elena Hill

Produced by:
Les Films Hors-Champ

Festivals & Awards:

2008 Sevilla Festival de Cine Europeo - Giraldillo de Oro, ‘Eurodoc’ Award, 2008 Festival Internacional de Cine Valdivia - Granador for Best Documentary, 2008 Festival international du documentaire à Agadir - Grand Prix, 2008 Visions du Réel, Nyon, Prix George Foundation - Meilleur film Newcomer