International Competition


Elke Groen

Accompanied by fragile sounds a few flocks of clouds hurry over the peaks of the Dachstein mountain range. Behind windows at solitary mountain stations, lights blink like Morse code. Gondolas flit past as if in flight. Thick blankets of fog envelop cliffs. A windmill spins. Here and there human figures appear, resembling phantoms in the snowy white. The moon climbs in the sky, glows, falls, disappears, then rises again. Elke Groen’s NightStill is a filmic survey of the Dachstein region in Austria’s Alps. However it has nothing in common with a documentary record, serving as a confrontation between the givens (a landscape, artifacts and living beings; the sky, weather and the light) and a film technique which has always possessed the ability to alienate.

Elke Groen

Elke Groen is born in 1969 in Bad Ischl, Austria. Studied architecture and photography. Feature Length Documentaries: ‘Jeder Siebte Mensch’ (with Ina Ivanceanu, 2006), ‘Bunica’ (with Ina Ivanceanu, 2005).

General sponsor


2008, 9', color, video

Directed by:
Elke Groen

Elke Groen

Edited by:
Elke Groen

Dietmar Schipek

Elke Groen

Produced by:

Festivals & Awards:

2008 Jihlava Documentary Film Festival - Best Experimental Film