International Competition

Nutkin’s Last Stand

Nicholas Berger

The English love their native red squirrels. The red squirrel was immortalized by children’s author Beatrix Potter in the character of Squirrel Nutkin and is a ubiquitous figure in English arts, literature and lore. But all is not well for the red squirrel... The North American gray squirrel was introduced to England late in the 19th century and the larger, bolder American import has been spreading a deadly virus and claiming the red squirrel’s territory. At present, the red squirrels have been forced into the North and it is estimated that their numbers have dwindled to around 150,000 compared with around 2 million grays. This has triggered outrage among many Britons and a wide range of organizations and individuals have stepped forward to take up the red squirrel’s cause. Their methods vary wildly but all share a common goal: to halt a foreign invasion and to preserve a beloved creature and a national symbol.

Nicholas Berger

Nicholas Berger was born in San Francisco and has lived in San Diego, New York and Berlin. As an undergraduate he attended Brown University in Providence Rhode Island where he received a BA in philosophy. After graduating he spent two years working on documentaries for PBS and the History Channel and traveling in Europe. He then attended Stanford University’s Documentary Film program where he recently received an MFA. ‘Nutkin’s Last Stand’ was his thesis film at Stanford.

General sponsor

Nutkin's Last Stand

USA, Great Britain
2008, 18', color, video

Directed by:
Nicholas Berger

Peter Jordan

Edited by:
Nicholas Berger

Dylan Ris

Nicholas Berger

Produced by:
Pinecone Films