International Competition

On the Way to School

Orhan Eskiköy, Özgür Doğan

The young Turkish teacher Emre Aydin has been appointed by the government to go teach at a school in a remote and impoverished Kurdish village. He arrives in the village at the beginning of the school year to a few unpleasant surprises. There’s no running water in the village and the students don’t show up for class. On the Way to School follows Aydin during the entire academic year. The camera observes him and his students in a fly-on-the-wall kind of way. The majority of the documentary takes place in the classroom, where we see how tough an assignment it is for Aydin to teach here. Many families only speak Kurdish at home, so learning Turkish isn’t only hard for the kids, but it’s also a sensitive matter as far as the strained relations between Kurds and the Turkish state are concerned. Aydin feels like a foreigner in his own country, but he’s determined to accomplish the task at hand.

Orhan Eskiköy

Orhan Eskiköy is born in 1980, Istanbul, Turkey. He graduated from the Department of Public Relations, Faculty of Communication, Ankara University in 2004. The films which he produced at the university have been successful in many national and international festivals. At the same time he has worked in different projects as assistant of director and cameraman.

Özgür Doğan

Özgür Doğan is born in 1977, Varto, Turkey. He graduated from the Department of Radio-TV and Cinema, Faculty of Communication, Ankara University in 2001. He is working as a Research Assistant at the Middle East Technical University and working on documentary video production independently.

General sponsor

On the Way to School

Netherlands, Turkey
2008, 80', color, video

Directed by:
Orhan Eskiköy, Özgür Doğan

Screenplay by:
Orhan Eskikoy

Orhan Eskikoy

Edited by:
Orhan Eskikoy, Thomas Balkenhol

Üzgür Dogan

Produced by:
Peri-san Film