International Competition

Silent Removal

Wolfram Huke

If someone dies lonely and nobody is left to settle his last matters, he is buried officially. Agents and administrators investigate, organize and utilize his matters. A procedure that often lasts no longer than a few days. In the end 80 years result in nothing more but a numbered urn in a slot.

Wolfram Huke

Wolfram Huke was born in 1981. 2002-2006 he studied philosophy at the jesuits college in Munich. He attended journalism school and worked as a journalist, e.g. for Bavarian Broadcast Company. Since 2006 he studies film at the Munich school for television and film. ‘Silent Removal’ is his first film.

General sponsor

SIlent Removal

2007, 12', color, video

Directed by:
Wolfram Huke

Screenplay by:
Wolfram Huke

Wolfram Huke

Edited by:
Wolfram Huke

Felix Von Poser

Produced by:
Munich School for Television and Film

Festivals & Awards:

2008 Documenta Madrid - 1st prize of the Jury