International Competition


Hanna Heilborn, David Aronowitsch

Slaves is an animated documentary short. The conversations with two freed children from southern Sudan, who were kidnapped by a government-supported militia and forced into slavery, were recorded on sound in a documentary way. The filmmakers stress this fact by keeping the sound of them messing around with the recording equipment before the conversation begins, by not editing out the children’s interpreter, and by not adding any music. The conversations took place in 2003, when the 20-year-long civil war in southern Sudan was drawing to a close. The family names of the two children, aged 9 and 15, have been bleeped out to protect their privacy.

Hanna Heilborn

Hanna Heilborn is born in 1968. Educated at New York Film School and at Sweden’s Institute of Drama. Works as a director, scriptwriter, dramaturgist and animation instructor. She lectures at a number of art and design schools. Filmography: ‘Hidden’ (2002), ‘Big Mike’ (2004), ‘Girls Talk’ (2006).

David Aronowitsch

David Aronowitsch is born 1964 in Stockholm. Studied directing at the Polish National Film School in Lodz, 1988-91. First short documentary in 1988 and first longer documentary in 1994, ‘Night of the Gypsies’, together with Göran Olsson. Among other later films are ‘Stockholm-75’ (2003) and ‘Hidden’ (2002).

General sponsor


Norway, Denmark, Sweden
2008, 15', color, video

Directed by:
Hanna Heilborn, David Aronowitsch

Magnus Östergren, Mats Johansson

Hanna Heiborn, David Aronowitsch

Produced by:
Story AB

Festivals & Awards:

International Documentary Festival Amsterdam, IDFA  - 1st Prize The Silver Cub Competition