Social Capitalism

Hair India

Marco Leopardi, Raffaele Brunetti

The journey of a young Indian woman’s hair. Donated to the Temple to be then converted in exquisite hair extensions in Italy. This same hair will then return to India to satisfy the whim of a successful career woman in Mumbai. A story of beauty cult in the era of globalisation. Until a few years ago the hair donated to the temples was burned or used to stuff mattresses. Today this hair has become a commodity and an extraordinary economic resource. Thousands of locks find their way to Italy and, by various merchant roads - coming back to India.

Marco Leopardi

Marco Leopardi was born in Rome in 1961. In 1990 he began directing and photographing documentaries focussing on nature, geography and socio-anthropology. In the past ten years he has made over thirty documentaries which have been broadcast by the RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana as well as foreign networks. Filmography: ‘Hair India’ (2008), ‘Oltre la sbarra’ (2006), ‘A Perfect World’ (2006). 

Raffaele Brunetti

Raffaele Brunetti is a documentary director and producer. He has been producing and directing documentaries since 1987. Filmography: ‘Italian Doc Screenings’ (2008), ‘Hair India’ (2008), ‘Che Guevara the Body and the Legend’ (2007), ‘Mitumba’ (2005).

General sponsor

Hair India

2008, 75', color, video

Directed by:
Marco Leopardi, Raffaele Brunetti

Screenplay by:
Marco Leopardi, Raffaele Brunetti

Gianni Maitan, Marco Pasquini, Marco Leopardi

Edited by:
Ilaria de Laurentis

Alfonso D7Amora

Raffaele Brunetti

Produced by:
B&B Film