Social Capitalism

Kazakhstan, Birth of a Nation

Christian Barani, Guillame Reynard

A point of departure, the speech of the President Nursultan Nazarbaiev in 1997 which fixes the future of Kazakhstan. A new capitalist world builds itself on fantasies, on illusions. The Soviet referents are denied. Everything reinvents. The reality is transformed. The  fiction takes shape with Astana, new postmodern capital, dream of the President. 

Christian Barani

Christian Barani’s conception of his artistic career is that of a go-between, crossing the realms of direction, diffusion, and transmission. As a video artist, he decided in 1997 to enter the documentary sphere for ethic and political stakes, and for other stakes linked to the representation of the human being in his daily actions. Christian Barani’s videos are presented in Europe and abroad. He regularly collaborates for the Arte research workshop.

Guillame Reynard

Guillaume Reynard is an illustrator, he lives in Paris. Works with several publishing houses (Flammarion, Autrement...) and publishes in various newspapers (Le Monde, LibeÅLration, Air France Magazine...). His illustrations are also used for stage design in museums, and by institutions or communications groups.

General sponsor

Kazahstan naissance d'une nation

2008, 65', color, video

Directed by:
Christian Barani, Guillame Reynard

Screenplay by:
Christian Barani, Guillaume Reynard

Christian Barani, Guillaume Reynard

Edited by:
Christian Barani, Guillaume Reynard

Thomas Koner

Christophe Gougeon

Produced by: