Social Capitalism

Rubljovka - Road to Bliss

Irene Langemann

Rubljovka Road is the traffic artery connecting the powerhouse Moscow with the Russian outback. At all times, the region bordering on Rubljovka has had a magnetic attraction for the ruling elite classes: Tsars, dictators, presidents. Of course, also present-day head of state Putin resides here. In Putin’s Russia, Rubljovka has become synonymous with wealth, social ascent and decadent lifestyles. No wonder Rubljovka is a strictly guarded maximum security area, where many things are hushed up and kept under wraps. In spite of grudgingly granted filming permits, the film team was constantly harassed and threatened by the Russian security service FSB, traffic police and each and every security company. Many parts were filmed with a hidden camera. Nevertheless, the film was completed.

Irene Langemann

Irene Langemann was born in the Omsk region of the Soviet Union in 1959. She studied Acting and Germanics at the Tcepkin Theater Academy in Moscow. From 1980- 1990, she worked as an actress, director and theater writer in Moscow. In 1983, she began moderating and directing for Russian television. In 1986, she became a director and scene editor at the Nasch Theater in Moscow. She moved to Germany in 1990. Since 1997, she has been working as a freelance filmmaker.

General sponsor

Rubljovka - Strasse zur Glueckseligkeit

2007, 94', color, video

Directed by:
Irene Langemann

Screenplay by:
Irene Langemann

Maxim Tarasjugin

Edited by:
Kawe Vakil

Michael Langemann

Wolfgang Bergmann

Produced by:

Festivals & Awards:

2007 Viennale – The Standard Viennale Readers Award