Social Capitalism


Pavel Medvedev

The major political event of 2006 in Russia was the  Summit of the Big Eight that took place in St. Petersburg  in July. During those three hot summer days on the Russian  Baltic shores, in comfort and security, the heads of  the leading world powers met to discuss the problems  of mankind. During this time the life of ordinary people  became very unpleasant, i.e. military patrols in the  streets, checking of passports, barred roads, helicopters  continuously flying overhead, the howling of sirens,  armed escorts… All this created the impression that the  city was besieged. Unfortunately the largest cemetery  in the city is situated on the way to the meeting place.  In order not to confront the honorable guests with the  sight of mortality, this cemetery was closed for the duration  of the Summit. With typical Russian resignation  and understanding numerous relatives were waiting patiently  until the end of the Summit to be able to bury  their deceased. 

Pavel Medvedev

Pavel Medvedev was born in 1963 in Russia. In 1990 he graduated from the Leningrad State Culture Institute named after Krupskaya. In 1992 he graduated from the Higher School for TV directors. 1993-2000 worked as a TV director in St. Petersburg. Since 2000 he’s film director at the St. Petersburg Documentary Film Studio.

General sponsor


2007, 30', color, video

Directed by:
Pavel Medvedev

Screenplay by:
Pavel Medvedev

Artem Ignatov

Edited by:
Svetlana Pechennykch

Pavel Medvedev

Produced by:
St. Ptetrsburg Documentary Film Studio

Festivals & Awards:

2008 Oberhausen IFF - The Ecoumenistic Jury Prize; 2008 Okno v Europu – Silver Boat Prize; Rossya IFF - Best short documentary