DOK Leipzig - Contemporary German Documentary - A Selection

White Ravens – Nightmare in Chechnya

Tamara Trampe, Johann Feindt

Petya and Kiril signed up as volunteers in the army at age eighteen and set off for service in Chechnya. Katya worked as a nurse in a field hospital in the war zone. When they returned home from the Caucasus, none of them were the same as before. They were psychologically and emotionally at their lowest point, alone with memories of war, of death and suffering. In the course of three years Johann Feindt and Tamara Trampe followed the attempts of these young people to fit into society again after their return from war, a society which acted as if the war in Chechnya did not exist. Only in the Committee of Mothers of Russian Soldiers can these returnees from the war and their helpless parents find similarly stricken people, with whom they can find mutual understanding.

Tamara Trampe

Tamara Trampe studied Germanic Studies at the University of Rostock. After working as an editor and dramaturge at the East German DEFA studios, she began making her own films in 1990.

Johann Feindt

Johann Feindt je rođen u Hamburgu 1951. godine. Nakon studija medicine u Hamburgu upisao se na Njemačku akademiju za film i televiziju (dffb) u Berlinu. Od 1979. godine radi kao snimatelj i nagrađivani redatelj i autor.

General sponsor

Weiße Raben – Alptraum Tschetschenien

2005, 92', color, video

Directed by:
Tamara Trampe, Johann Feindt

Screenplay by:
Tamara Trampe, Johann Feindt

Johann Feindt

Edited by:
Stephan Krumbiegel

Thomas Kufus

Produced by:
Zero One Film