State of Affairs

I Wanna be Boss

Marije Meerman

The students of the third grade of High School #2 in Chongqing, the best school in central China, are being honed to fill important positions in the new global economy. The students are children of the new Chinese middle class. Often their parents have lived through hunger and their children must now succeed where they did not. This documentary follows five hyper-intelligent Chinese students through their final high-pressure year at an elite high school in Chongqing, a megalopolis in central China. Competing for limited positions at Beijing’s top universities, alongside 10,5 million other students across the country, they prepare for the end-of-year exams that will determine whether they can join the new class of managers and civil servants, who are to propel China to become the largest economy in the world.

Marije Meerman

Marije Meerman was born in 1967, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Got her master degree in Art History at the University of Amsterdam, studied directing & camera at the Dutch Film and Television Academy in Amsterdam. She is TV-series- director for VPRO Television Hilversum, The Netherlands, and a documentary director since 1995, having special interest on globalization’s impact to general life to people.

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I Wanna be Boss

Netherlands, China
2008, 58', color, video

Directed by:
Marije Meerman

Screenplay by:
Marije Meerman

Maasja Ooms

Edited by:
Job ter Burg, Gigi Wong


Bruno Felix, Femke Wolting

Produced by: