State of Affairs

The Coca-Cola Case

Carmen Garcia, Germán Gutiérrez

In this documentary directors German Gutiérrez and Carmen Garcia present a searing indictment of the Coca-Cola empire and its alleged kidnapping, torture and murder of union leaders trying to improve working conditions in Colombia, Guatemala and Turkey. The filmmakers follow labor rights lawyers Daniel Kovalik and Terry Collingsworth and an activist for the Stop Killer-Coke! campaign, Ray Rogers, as they attempt to hold the giant U.S. multinational beverage company accountable in this legal and human rights battle.

Carmen Garcia

Carmen Garcia was raised in Paris where she studied literature. She moved to Montreal in 1973. After studying translation and communication, she worked in publishing and journalism. In 1983, she began to collaborate on documentary films, assuming a variety of responsibilities, particularly researching, writing and producing. Together with German Gutiérrez, she founded Système D Productions in 1988, which ultimately became Argus Films. She started directing in 1993, yet continued to write and produce.

Germán Gutiérrez

Germán Gutiérrez studying filmmaking. He worked first as an assistant cameraman and later as a cameraman for Radio- Canada, the National Film Board and a variety of production companies. He soon moved on to directing, initially focusing on social and political issues. This work took him to the four corners of the earth, often to conflict zones: Cambodia, Sarajevo, South Africa, Rwanda and El Salvador.

General sponsor

The Coca-Cola Case

2009, 86', color, video

Directed by:
Carmen Garcia, Germán Gutiérrez

Screenplay by:
Carmen Garcia

Germán Gutiérrez

Edited by:
Elric Robichon

Olivier Alary

Yves Bisaillon, Carmen Garcia

Produced by:
Argus Films, National Film Board of Canada