International Competition

Oh My God, Dear God

Julia Popławska
Screening time  
28.02. / Ponedjeljak, 14:00 - 16:00 Dvorana 2  
03.03. / Četvrtak, 18:00 - 20:00 Dvorana 4  
04.03. / Petak, 13:00 - 15:00 Dvorana 3  
Julia Popławska’s film is an image of a quiet, charming and almost idyllic Polish village.

The Możejkos spend time on the porch of their wooden cabin, slowly conversing on what surrounds them and directly affects their lives – the weather, flowers and vegetables growing in their back garden. The view from the porch is their only outlook on the world – this is where they observe the changing nature or any special events in the neighbourhood. From time to time their calm life, undisturbed by haste or worry, acquires some variety when a car or a singing group of pilgrims pass down the nearby road. This short document is a collection of static and extremely vivid takes expressing the mood of idyll, order and quiet.


Julia Popławska

Julia Popławska is a Polish filmmaker and TV journalist. She lives in Warsaw. She is a member of Polish Filmmakers Association. She worked as a correspondent for Newsweek Polska in Denmark in 2002 – 2005. She has collaborated with TVP (Polish Public Televison), Canal+ and numerous private TV stations. She made a documentary about Tibetans in Poland – Children of Dalai Lama (2008), an exclusive interview with H.H. Dalai Lama (2009) and a television documentary The Polish Righteous (2008) about Poles who helped Jews during World War II. She graduated from Andrzej Wajda Master School of Film Directing in Warsaw with the documentary Oh God, Dear God (2010).


General sponsor

Oj Bože, drogi Bože

2010, 12', color, video

Directed by:
Julia Popławska

Screenplay by:
Julia Poplawska

Andrzej Poplawski, Grzegorz Borowski

Edited by:
Grzegorz Liwinski

Katarzyna Slesicka

Produced by:
Andrzej Wajda Master School of Film Directing