International Competition

On Rubik's Road

Laila Pakalnina
Screening time  
28.02. / Ponedjeljak, 13:00 - 15:00 Dvorana 1  
01.03. / Utorak, 18:00 - 20:00 Dvorana 4  
02.03. / Srijeda, 12:00 - 14:00 Dvorana 2  
If the entire world can be reflected in a single drop of dew (and it can!), then why could it not fit onto a single cycle path in Latvia?

A film about a world that walks, runs, crawls, sits, rides, flies. And falls. A living world.

Laila Pakalnina

Laila Pakalnina was born 1962 in Liepaja, Latvia. She studied television journalism at the University of Moscow and went on to study film at the Moscow Film Institute (VGIK), Department of Film Direction, graduating in 1991. She lives and works in Riga. She wrote and directed of 19 documentaries, five shorts, three feature-lentgh fictions. Several of her films have already been screened at previous ZagrebDox editions.

General sponsor

Pa Rubika Celu

2010, 30', color, video

Directed by:
Laila Pakalnina

Screenplay by:
Laila Pakalnina

Uldis Jancis

Edited by:
Kaspar Kallas

Laila Pakalnina

Produced by:
Hargla Company