Controversial Dox

Family Instinct

Andris Gauja
Screening time  
05.03. / Subota, 22:00 - 00:00 Dvorana 4  
‘Family Instinct’ is a film about incest – social taboo and a violation of religious norms.

Zanda is a 28-year-old woman, trying to survive with her two children in a god-forsaken Latvian village. Valdis is serving a year’s sentence in prison for physically abusing them. ‘Family Instinct’ follows Zanda for the duration of that year as she tries to cope with the hardships of poverty and frequent drunken attempts of several local men. During the year, the local community forces her to make a difficult choice: to stay with Valdis or with her children. Film is structured around the impending release of Valdis; it is in fact a heartbreakingly touching and unflinching look at the lives of several people that live on the extreme margins of the Latvian society. The film provides extraordinarily intimate footage of this group of vulnerable people, drawing you into a claustrophobic but compelling world that few viewers will have ever experienced. ‘Family Instinct’ is at times shocking and heartbreaking in its depiction of life on the edge, but its central characters nevertheless display a wonderful sense of humour and even optimism in the face of terrible adversity.

Andris Gauja

Andris Gauja was born in 1978, Latvia. He studied theatre, film and television screenwriting in Latvian Academy of Culture, and has worked as a television and press journalist, learned playing flute in Jazepa Medina Music School and is still playing music. Gauja is an up-and-coming film director with a special knack for finding unusual subjects and characters. His previous films, mostly on ethical and social issues, have been very popular with TV and film audiences. ‘Family Instinct’ the director’s third documentary film.

General sponsor

Ģimenes lietas

2010, 58', color, video

Directed by:
Andris Gauja

Screenplay by:
Andris Gauja

Aleksandrs Grebnevs

Edited by:
Tambet Tasuja, Andris Gauja

Andris Gauja

Madara Melberga

Produced by:
Fa Filma