Controversial Dox

Family Matters

Sarah Horst
Screening time  
05.03. / Subota, 22:00 - 00:00 Dvorana 4  
Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. (Leo Tolstoi)

Sarah Horst has created a tragicomic portrait of a family that tried to give itself an identity beyond the usual conventions. The father is a gay bon vivant who was once notorious for his opulent fashion shows and debauched lifestyle. Excessive partying has left its mark on the parents and shaped the son. The son has now taken over the ‘Schluggstube’ from his parents – a bar that serves as a meeting point for the strange and obscene. With raw honesty, the family takes stock of living and growing up together.

Sarah Horst

Sarah Horst was born 1982 in Liestal, Switzerland. She studied Ethnology Studies at the University of Basel (2003-2005) and has Master of Arts in Film at the Zurich University of the Arts with a specialization in Narration (Directing/Screenwriting). Filmography: ‘Family Matters’ (2010), ‘Missio Canonica’ (2008), ‘Oifn Weg’ (2007), ‘Bon Appetit’ (2006).

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2010, 27', color, video

Directed by:
Sarah Horst

Aline Laszlo

Edited by:
Sarah Horst, Fabrizio Fracassi

Daniel Hobi

Hercli Bundi

Produced by:
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste