Happy Dox

I Will Marry The Whole Village

Željko Mirković
Screening time  
05.03. / Subota, 21:00 - 23:00 Dvorana 3  
‘The Serbian village of Gornji Matejevac has all the prerequisites for a normal life: electricity, running water, sewage, paved roads, a school, and Internet.’

Forty-eight-year-old Peca’s description sounds almost like an ad, and not without reason, for he sees it as his personal mission to get himself and the more than 200 other bachelors in his village hitched. He cheerfully pulls out all the stops to get his friends ready for their big day. Not an easy task, as the fortysomethings are shy and awkward, and they have no idea how to present themselves. Luckily, Peca sinks his teeth into the project and does not hesitate to get the local authorities and the media involved in his cause. Assisted by an old and wise narrator and with the swinging musical accompaniment of Peca’s band The Early Dawn and the ladies’ chorus from the nearby city of Nis, director Zeljko Mirkovic offers up a lively documentary about a man with a mission. The film also addresses some serious themes, such as the aging population of Europe, rural depopulation, and the agony of solitude.

Željko Mirković

Željko Mirković is documentary film director, studied at The Academy of Art Braca Karic Belgrade, department of TV Directing. He is member of European Documentary Network and VicePresident of Association of film and TV workers of Nis. Selected filmography: ‘The Long Road through Balkan History’ (2008), ‘The 21st Second’ (2008), ‘Muharem, ‘Muharem Music the Eyes of Life’ (Muharem muzika oči života, 2005), ‘My World’ (Moj svet, 2002), ‘Nastasija’ (2000), ‘The Loves of the Soldiers’ (Vojničke ljubavi, 2000).

General sponsor

Oženiću celo selo

2010, 57', color, video

Directed by:
Željko Mirković

Screenplay by:
Željko Mirković

Darko Ković

Edited by:
Pavle Nikić

Dejan Ilijić

Željko Mirković, Dinić Mirković Tamara

Produced by:
Optimistic film