Happy Dox

Into THe Middle of Nowhere

Anna Frances Ewert
Screening time  
01.03. / Utorak, 21:00 - 23:00 Dvorana 3  
This documentary is about the uniqueness of childhood and the exploration of the human mind.

In an outdoor nursery based in the woods, children create their own individually constructed worlds and can test out the boundaries of reality. The environment allows them to explore everything through their own experience and imagination which also brings to foreground the arising of the personal and collective conditioning as well as the already existent personalities of each child. The woods become the place where the normal rules and regulations of society come to a halt and where the children transform the surroundings with their play into magic. Following the emergence of spring, the documentary focuses on three characters and their emotional and physical journey in the woods. The beauty and the challenges of growing up become visible in the way they perceive their environment and interact with each other.

Anna Frances Ewert

Anna Frances Ewert is born in 1986, Germany. In 2007 she started to study Film and TV course at the Edinburgh College of Art with the focus on making documentaries and graduated in June 2010. Filmography: ‘Into the Middle of Nowhere’ (2010), ’11 Degrees’ (2009).

General sponsor

Into the Middle of Nowhere

Great Britain
2010, 15', color, video

Directed by:
Anna Frances Ewert

Screenplay by:
Anna Frances Ewert

Anna Frances Ewert

Edited by:
Anna Frances Ewert

Anna Frances Ewert

Produced by:
Anna Frances Ewert