Masters of Dox

Citizens in the Flower Square

Krsto Papić
Screening time  
01.03. / Utorak, 18:00 - 20:00 Dvorana 5  
Flower Square, the symbol of quiet and decent Zagreb has lately become the scene of bloody confrontations of criminals and mafia.

Ten years ago, in one such showdown, an innocent citizen, passer-by Zoran Domini was shot. He was the father of two children. His murderes have never been caught. Four years later, burdened by difficul life, poverty, hard work, care and sorrow, his wife Ankica Domini got sick and died. Two children remained without a single parent. Today they are still under the care of a Social Welfare Centre and filming their lives is not possible. In addition to this ruined family, two other persons were killed in Flower Square during underworld countdowns. The entire dark story of Flower Square today contrasts the nostalgic songs about Zagreb how it used to be and the beauty of living there. Today no one even dreams of singing such songs about Zagreb. Even the old ones are rarely played.

Krsto Papić

Krsto Papić was born in 1933 in Vučedol and graduated from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. In 1965 he debuts with an episode in the omnibus ‘Ključ’. His first feature narrative, ‘Iluzije’, was made in 1967, while ‘Lisice’ (1969), his second and so far most renowned film, won a Golden Arena for best film and directing in Pula. Relying on the methods of cinéma vérité, in the 1960s and early 1970s he made successful documentaries and short live action films, such as: ‘Kad te moja čakija ubode’ (1968), ‘Čvor’ (1970), ‘Nek se čuje i naš glas’ (1971), ‘Specijalni vlakovi’ (1972), ‘Mala seoska priredba’ (1972), ‘Nezaposlena žena s djecom’ (1986).

General sponsor

Građani na Cvjetnom trgu

2010, 20', color, video

Directed by:
Krsto Papić

Screenplay by:
Krsto Papić

Branko Cahun

Edited by:
Tihomir Tonžetić

Drago Škobić, Ninoslav Lovčević

Produced by:
Ozana film, HRT