Masters of Dox

Eduard Galić - An Evening of Film

Eduard Galić
Screening time  
04.03. / Petak, 18:00 - 20:00 Dvorana 5  

Sunt Lacrimae rerum

A walk around the ancient town of Trogir. The walker goes deeper and deeper into the stone labyrinth, and encounters fear, death and pain. In things long forgotten he discovers the drama of the times long gone.

Sunt Lacrimae rerum en

1965, 11' 19'', bw, video

Directed by:
Eduard Galić

Screenplay by:
Eduard Galić, Krunoslav Quien

Oktavijan Miletić

Edited by:
Boris Tešija

Produced by:
Zagreb film

The Stone-Masons

Stone towns in the Adriatic are the work of stonemasons and sculptors long gone, who processed each stone with their skillful chisel. Paying tribute to these old masters, recording many of these stone details, portraying the vanished moments of creation.


1968, 9' 30'', bw, video

Directed by:
Eduard Galić

Screenplay by:
Krunoslav Quien

Oktavijan Miletić

Edited by:
Radojka Tanhofer

Tomislav Simović

Produced by:
Zagreb film


Slow death of Istrian towns, away from the coastline and abandoned by their inhabitants – the houses are impossible to sell, even at auctions starting with the price of one former dinar.


1966, 12' 42'', bw, video

Directed by:
Eduard Galić

Screenplay by:
Eduard Galić

Krešo Grčević

Edited by:
Boris Tešija

Anđelko Klobučar

Produced by:
Zagreb film

Music in Grožnjan

Just like many other towns in mainland Istria, Grožnjan was deserted. The dead town is brought back to life by a group of young musicians who restore life through their youth and music.

Muzika u Grožnjanu

1976, 21' 11'', color, video

Directed by:
Eduard Galić

Screenplay by:
Kruno Quien

Branko Blažina

Edited by:
Vuksan Lukovac

Produced by:
Zagreb film

Blessed Virgin of Letnica

A record of the village of Letnica in Upper Morava, Kosovo, whose miraculous Madonna numerous pilgrims of Roma, Janjevo, Albanian and Serbian origin implore for offspring.

Majka Božja Letnička

1972, 18' 33'', color, video

Directed by:
Eduard Galić

Screenplay by:
Mira Buljan

Antun Markić

Edited by:
Blaženka Jenčik

Anđelko Klobučar

Produced by:
Zagreb film

Đurđica Bjedov or on Happiness

Swimmer Đurđica Bjedov was organised a magnificent welcome in Split when she returned from Mexico with a gold medal from the 1968 Olympics. Those days of glory are long gone, and Đurđica Bjedov has found fulfilment in the role of wife and mother.

Đurđica Bjedov ili o sreći

1974, 12' 21'', color, video

Directed by:
Eduard Galić

Screenplay by:
Branko Lentić, Pero Zlatar

Antun Markić

Edited by:
Radojka Tanhofer

Produced by:
Zagreb film

Eduard Galić

Archaeologist by professional training (born in 1936 in Trogir) and for some time by employment, as well (assistant professor in the archaeology department), Galić made his first film steps in a highly impressive manner: through the documentary film ‘Sunt lacrimae rerum’ (1965). Afterwards he became a professional (so-called freelance) director, systematically making documentary and short live action films (such as: ‘Osveta’, 1967; ‘Crni kišobran’, 1968; ‘Starci’, 1970; ‘Pred zoru’, 1974; ‘Pred odlazak’, 1978). In 1967he filmed his feature debut ‘Crne ptice’, continuing his earlier interest in narrative in a series of television dramas (‘Posljednji Stipančići, 1968; ‘Sjenke’, 1968; ‘Nepoznati’, 1969. etc.) drama series (‘Dnevnik Očenašeka’, 1968; ‘Sam čovjek’, 1970; ‘Putovanje u Vučjak’, 1984-85, ‘Tuđinac’, 1990), narrative documentary biographies (‘Dimitrije Tucović’, 1974; ‘Nikola Tesla’, 1977; ‘Svetozar Marković’, 1980) as well as mid-length and feature TV films (‘Tomo Bakran’, 1978; ‘Nepokoreni’, 1981; and three more episodes of the series ‘Nepokoreni grad’, 1982: ‘Horvatov izbor’, 1985 /feature/; ‘Jaguar’, 1992; ‘Sokak triju ruža’, 1992; ‘Olovna pričest’, 1995; ‘Starci’, 2001 etc). However, these feature narratives have been systematically complemented with documentary film production, and especially with television, making independent documentaries and numerous studio shows, archive stories, concert broadcasts etc., as one of the rare filmmakers employed as a professional director at Zagreb Television, later Croatian Television.