State of Affairs

Standing Army

Enrico Parenti, Thomas Fazi
Screening time  
02.03. / Srijeda, 21:00 - 23:00 Dvorana 1  
05.03. / Subota, 12:00 - 14:00 Dvorana 2  
Over the course of the last century, the US has encircled the world with a web of military bases unlike any other in history. Today, they amount to more than 700 in 40 countries.

They are one of the most powerful forces at play in the world today, yet one of the less talked-about. They have shaped the lives of millions, yet remain a mystery to most. Why do countries like Germany, Italy, Japan and South Korea still host hundreds of US military bases and thousands of US soldiers? How do the bases affect local populations, and what stance has president Obama taken on this controversial subject? This documentary film answers these and other questions through the words of prominent experts, intellectuals and ex-insiders – Noam Chomsky, Gore Vidal, Chalmers Johnson and others – and through the shocking but often inspiring stories of those directly affected by US bases in Italy, Japan, the Indian Ocean and elsewhere.

Enrico Parenti

Enrico Parenti, born in 1978, a former IDEP (Barcelona) film student, is an Italian-American free-lance filmmaker. He is the author of a documentary on a Brazilian traveling circus. He has worked as director of photography on various documentaries for the RAI television and for a number of independent productions. ‘Standing Army’ is his first feature length film.

Thomas Fazi

Thomas Fazi, born in 1982, is an Anglo-Italian researcher and translator. He works as a political consultant for various Italian publishing houses. ‘Standing Army’ is his first film.

General sponsor

Standing Army

2010, 71', color, video

Directed by:
Enrico Parenti, Thomas Fazi

Screenplay by:
Enrico Parenti, Thomas Fazi

Enrico Parenti

Edited by:
Desideria Rayner

Stefano Piro

Thomas Fazi

Produced by:
Effendemfilm, Takae

Festivals & Awards:

Sicili Ambiente Film Festival - Best Documentary

Tekfestival - Special Mention for Best Photography