State of Affairs

Sun Come Up

Jennifer Redfeam
‘Sun Come Up’ follows the relocation of some of the world’s first environmental refugees, the Carteret Islanders – a community living on a remote island chain in the South Pacific Ocean.

When rising seas threaten their survival, the islanders face a painful decision: they must leave their beloved land in search of a new place to call home. The film follows a group of young Carteret Islanders led by Nick Hakata as they search for land in Bougainville, an autonomous region of Papua New Guinea 50 miles across the open ocean. The move will not be easy as Bougainville is recovering from a 10-year civil war. Many Bougainvilleans remain traumatized by the ‘Crisis’ as the civil war is known locally. Yet, ‘Sun Come Up’ isn’t a familiar third world narrative. Out of this tragedy comes a story of hope, strength, and profound generosity.

Jennifer Redfeam

Jennifer Redfearn is a New York-based director, producer, and writer. She has worked on programming for WGBH, WNET, the Discovery Channel, TLC, and independent productions. She is currently producing a documentary about climate change conflicts in Africa for MediaStorm. Prior to this in 2008, she co-produced a two-hour special, ‘Doctors’ Diaries’ and a medical series for Discovery. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in environmental studies from Wellesley College and a Master’s degree in journalism from Columbia University. ‘Sun Come Up’ is her first independent documentary.

General sponsor

Sun Come Up

USA, Papua New Guinea
2010, 39', color, video

Directed by:
Jennifer Redfeam

Tim Metzger

Edited by:
David Teague

Shahzad Ismaily, Qasim Naqvi

Jennifer Redfearn, Tim Metzger

Festivals & Awards:

Selected for the Oscar shortlist for short documentaries

Heartland Film Festival 2010 - Crystal Heart Award

Montana CINE International Film Festival 2010 - Best of Festival

Environmental/Climate Change Film

Flagstaff Mountain Film Festival 2010 - Best Cultural/Human Interest Film

Cinemambiente Festival 2010 - Special Mention (WWF Award)