International Competition


Ali Samadi Ahadi
Screening time  
29.02. / Wednesday, 14:00 - 16:00 Theatre 2  
01.03. / Thursday, 17:00 - 19:00 Theatre 1  
03.03. / Saturday, 13:00 - 15:00 Theatre 1  
'The Green Wave' is a remarkable portrait of modern political rebellion, an exposé of government-sanctioned violence, and a vision of peace and hope that continued resistance may galvanize a new Iran.

In early 2009, a new generation of Iranians hoped for change through the upcoming presidential elections. Fueled by youthful exuberance and media technology, a groundswell—the so-called Green Wave—emerged to challenge the status quo, and caused a seismic shift in the political climate. A new brand of revolution seemed to be at hand. All polls predicted challenger Mir Hossein Mousavi would be the country’s next president; however, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was declared the victor, prompting a backlash of unparalleled violence and oppression and a massive surge of human-rights violations that continues today. In this powerful and urgent documentary, filmmaker Ali Samadi Ahadi integrates animation with live-action footage, testimonials, and posts from courageous Iranian bloggers, who dared to tell the world about the anatomy of the movement and its devastating consequences. 'The Green Wave' is a remarkable portrait of modern political rebellion, an exposé of government-sanctioned violence, and a vision of peace and hope that continued resistance may galvanize a new Iran.

Ali Samadi Ahadi

Ali Samadi Ahadi was born in 1972 in the north Iranian city of Tabriz. In Kassel he studied visual communication with the focus on film and television. At the end of the 90’s he started his career as a filmmaker. He participated in several documentaries and reports as a director, editor or cinematographer. He won numerous international awards for his documentaries ‘Culture Clan’ and ‘Lost Children’.

General sponsor

The Green Wav

Germany, Iran
2011, 80', color/bw, video

Directed by:
Ali Samadi Ahadi

Screenplay by:
Ali Samadi Ahadi

Ali Samadi Ahadi, Peter Jeschke

Edited by:
Andreas Menn, Barbara Toennieshen

Ali N. Askin

Jan Krüger, Oliver Stoltz

Produced by:
Dreamer Joint Venture Filmproduktion GmbH