Jury Dox


Jadran Puharić
Screening time  
29.02. / Wednesday, 16:00 - 18:00 Theatre 5  
Film examines the issue of loneliness.

The film was made as an exam on the third year of Film and TV Directing. In it, the director reexamines the issue of loneliness. The main protagonist is Andrija Bakić, who is living on his own. He is alon even for the New Year's Eve – a time of the year when only few are alone.

Jadran Puharić

Jadran Puharić was born in Makarska in 1985, where he completed his primary and secondary education. He enrolled in the Film and TV Directing at the Zagreb Academy of Dramatic Art (ADU) in 2007. He is currently studying Documentary Film at the ADU. He has worked as a director, assistant, cinematographer and actor on student and professional projects. He has directed a few short documentary and feature films.

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2011, 17', color, video

Directed by:
Jadran Puharić

Screenplay by:
Jadran Puharić

Jadran Puharić

Edited by:
Danijel Pejić

Jadran Puharić

Produced by:
Akademija dramske umjetnosti