Jury Dox

Lust Step One

Torben Simonsen
An interactive labyrinth, where the spectator in each viewing will experience something unique.


In 2002 Torben Simonsen goes to America to make an erotic roadmovie. On returning to Copenhagen Torben Simonsen spends the following three years editing the recordings in his working studios situated on the outskirts of the derelict dock yards of Copenhagen. During the editing process Torben Simonsen changes his focus from the story of Herman & Sylvia to the way the story is perceived. In this intense study of the nature of experience he experiments with different artistic genres and explores hybrids of the pictorial arts, installation and film making. In the summer of 2005 he reaches the final & conclusive shape of the thing: 'Lust – Step One', a sketch of a neverrealized video-installation. This installation is buildt upon text, sound and video from all phases of the project.

Torben Simonsen chooses the sketch as the project’s final form because he wants to focus on the ambiguous meanings of the material and because he wants to force the spectator to dwell on it’s many possibilities and uncertainties. Thus, 'Lust – Step One', does not appear as a completed work, but as a vision of one. Torben Simonsen’s aim is to maintain and recreate the original experience in the mind of the spectator. By utilizing the technical scope of the DVD-media, Torben Simonsen has with 'Lust – Step One' created an interactive labyrinth, where the spectator in each viewing will experience something unique.

Torben Simonsen

Torben Simonsen was born in 1964 in Copenhagen, Denmark. He is an video artist. Lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark.

General sponsor

Lust Step One

2005, 40', color, video

Directed by:
Torben Simonsen

Torben Simonsen