Teen Dox


Catherine van Campen
Screening time  
29.02. / Wednesday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 4  
Anne has Tourette syndrome, which means she sometimes has to go in circles, always to the right, or lick everything in sight.

If you see 11-year-old Anne riding her bike, climbing fences or jumping on the trampoline, she looks like a normal, cheerful girl. But not everything is as it seems. Anne has Tourette syndrome, which means she sometimes has to go in circles, always to the right, or lick everything in sight. That might be a tomato while doing the grocery shopping, but it could also be the cash register or a returnable bottle. Anne is ashamed of her behavior - she wants to be able to explain what's wrong with her and does her best to keep her tics under wraps for an entire school day. Longer than that is hard: 'Just like when you're underwater and you need to take a breath, that's how it feels.' In addition to her tics, Anne is also more emotional than other kids her age. 'When I get mad, I get three times as mad as you do.' Despite her problem, Anne does what she can to go through life as normally as possible.

Catherine van Campen

Catherine van Campen was born in 1970, in Netherland. After studying history at the University of Amsterdam, Catherine started working as a director and presenter for the Dutch Public Radio. In 2003 Van Campen’s story 'Beware Pickpockets' was awarded for best script in radio drama by the Dutch Cultural Broadcasting Fund. However, since 2006, her main focus shifted towards filmmaking. She is author of few internationally awarded short films.

General sponsor

Anne Vliegt

2010, 21', color, video

Directed by:
Catherine van Campen

Screenplay by:
Catherine van Campen

Aage Hollander

Edited by:
Albert Markus

Joost Seelen

Produced by:
Zuidenwind Filmproductions

Festivals & Awards:

Festival dei Popoli 2011 - Best International Short Film; Picture this…film festival 2011 –  Honourable Mention; Chicago International Children's Film Festival - The Children’s Jury Second Prize, Documentary Film Prize; DocuWest 2011 - Best Short Film