Teen Dox


Ashley Sabin, David Redmon
Screening time  
01.03. / Thursday, 19:00 - 21:00 Theatre 1  
Girl Model' shows a rarely seen side of the fashion industry, a harsh reality that fashion magazines tend to ignore.

'Girl Model' shows a rarely seen side of the fashion industry. The film brings a novelist’s eye for emotional and psychological complexity to its portrait of two women. Ashley, an American former model, travels to remote Siberian villages to scout young teenaged girls for fashion shoots in Japan. We see her discover Nadya, a thirteen-year old blonde, who radiates the innocence coveted by Ashley’s clients. Like thousands of other Russian girls, Nadya sees modelling as the best chance to support her family. She feels lucky when Ashley’s agency offers a contract with guarantees. But as the film follows Nadya to Japan and Ashley on her further scouting trips, we see each one grapple with the kind of harsh realities that fashion magazines tend to ignore.

Ashley Sabin

Ashley Sabin studied art history at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn. She co-directed 'Kamp Katrina' (2007), 'Intimidad' (2008), 'Invisible Girlfriend' (2009) and 'Girl Model' (2011) with David Redmon.

David Redmon

David Redmon received a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Albany. He is the director of ‘Mardi Gras: Made in China’ (2005), and co-directed ‘Kamp Katrina’ (2007), ‘Intimidad’ (2008), ‘Invisible Girlfriend’ (2009) and ‘Girl Model’ (2011) with Ashley Sabin.

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2011, 78', color, video

Directed by:
Ashley Sabin, David Redmon

Screenplay by:
David Redmon, Ashley Sabin

David Redmon, Ashley Sabin

Edited by:
David Redmon, Ashley Sabin, Darius Marder, Alan Canant

Matthew Dougherty, Eric Taxier

Ashley Sabin, David Redmon

Produced by:
Carnivalesque Films

Festivals & Awards:

Rome Film Festival 2011 - Marc'Aurelio Award for Best Documentary, EnelCuore Prize