Baltic Dox


Mark Soosaar
Screening time  
29.02. / Wednesday, 14:00 - 16:00 Theatre 5  
A poetic sequel to the film Mark Soosar made 30 years ago about father and son.

More than 30 years ago, Mark Soosaar made a film balancing between fiction and documentary. An old man chases butterflies and plays hide-and-seek with his grandchild in the cottage yard. Today, the game continues in the same yard, only another old man is playing with another grandchild. 'The Home for Butterflies' is Mark Soosaar’s personal diary, a poetic sequel to the film he made 30 years ago about father and son.

Mark Soosaar

Mark Soosaar, born 1946, graduated from the Moscow Film Institute (VGIK) in 1972. Film director, screenwriter and cameraman. Founder and organiser of the Pärnu International Documentary and Anthropological Film Festival since 1987. Recent filmography: 'The Home for Butterflies' (2004), 'Anu Raud – Patterns of an Artist’s Life' (2002), 'Nikolai Street in Pärnu' (2001), 'Father, Son and Holy Toorum' (1997).

General sponsor

Liblikate Kodu

2004, 27', color/bw, video

Directed by:
Mark Soosaar

Screenplay by:
Mark Soosaar

Mark Soosaar

Edited by:
Mark Soosaar

Mark Soosaar

Produced by:
Weiko Saawa Film