Baltic Dox


Audrius Stonys
Screening time  
27.02. / Monday, 14:00 - 16:00 Theatre 5  
'Uku Ukai' is a meditative film poem full of rhyming images about movement, old age and the human body.

‘Take a deep breath in…and out,’ a soothing female voice says. We see a young woman putting makeup on an old woman's face, a marathon man running, an old woman lying in bed, recreational swimmers, a sewing machine stitching away, a group of elderly people doing gymnastics, a dog running along the soft shoulder, his tongue dangling, and people lying on top of each other on a stretch of grass, laughing with forced laughs. ‘Beware of your physical body,’ the voice says. ‘Become aware of the sensations in your body.’ 'Uku Ukai' is a meditative film poem full of rhyming images about movement, old age and the human body.


Audrius Stonys

Audrius Stonys, born in 1966 in Lithuania, is a member of the European Film Academy and the European Documentary Network. Since embarking on his creative activities in the last years of the Soviet Empire, he has made 14 films as an independent filmmaker and producer. His films have won many international film awards. In 1992 the film Earth of the Blind received the European Film Academy award for the Best European Documentary film of the Year. His film Ramen won Special Mention in the International Competition Program at 2012 ZagrebDox. Stonys’s films were screened as part of the Baltic Dox program at 2012 ZagrebDox.

General sponsor


2006, 30', color, video

Directed by:
Audrius Stonys

Screenplay by:
Audrius Stonys

Audrius Kemezys

Edited by:
Danielius Kokanauskis

Giedrius Puskunigis, Johann Johannsson, Vidmantas Bartulis

Arunas Stoskus

Produced by:
Studija 2

Festivals & Awards:

Bilbao International Documentary and Short Film Festival 2006 - Golden Mikeldi Prize