Baltic Dox


Davis Simanis
Screening time  
02.03. / Friday, 14:00 - 16:00 Theatre 5  
The documentary draws a portrait of an opera director, who is staging Richard Wagner’s Die Walküre.

The documentary draws a portrait of an opera director, who is staging Richard Wagner’s Die Walküre. He is torn between the tragicomic routine of an opera house and his own perception of Wagner and the Ring cycle. The film witnesses the director’s drama to maintain the fragile link between a well-constructed performance and his own vision that lies within the music and the narrative and is seen as German expressionism-like nightmares.

Davis Simanis

Dāvis Sīmanis is a Latvian documentary director and film editor, who frequently reads lectures on film theory. He has received several awards in national and international competitions, and is a contributing writer for the magazine Rīgas Laiks.

General sponsor


2009, 52', color/bw, video

Directed by:
Davis Simanis

Andrejs Rudzats

Edited by:
Andra Lejniece

Roberts Vinovskis

Produced by:
Locomotive productions