Fade In Retrospective

Castles in the Air

Miroslav Sikavica
Screening time  
02.03. / Friday, 15:00 - 17:00 Theatre 1  
Three people living in the asylum center in Kutina, spending months in waiting for approval or rejection of their asylum requests.

G. A. comes from Somalia, a country hit by ay humanitarian crisis, torn apart by permanent armed conflicts, hunger and pirates. Miss F. was raised as Sunni Moslem in secular Turkey. Sexually abused in the past, she has converted to Judaism. G. B. was one of the organizers of the 2007 protests against UN special envoy Marti Ahtisaari's plan for the status of Kosovo. The protests were put down by the police, who used tear gas and rubber bullets against the protesters. The three of them had to flee their countries. They now live in the asylum center in Kutina, spending months in waiting for approval or rejection of their asylum requests.

Miroslav Sikavica

Miroslav Sikavica, a film and TV director, was born in Zagreb in 1975. His filmography includes: ‘The Cloud’ (2011), ‘Od 6 mjeseci do 3 godine’ (2010), ‘Direkt: Čardak ni na nebu ni na zemlji’ (2009), ‘Direkt: Lopta, cipela, Coca-Cola’ (2008) ‘Gospođa za prije’ (2007), ‘Direkt: C2H5OH’ (2006), ‘Kako miriše nebo’ (2003), ‘Pad’ (2002). 'The Cloud' is his first feature-length documentary.

General sponsor


2009, 28', color, video

Directed by:
Miroslav Sikavica

Screenplay by:
Miroslav Sikavica

Iva Kraljević

Edited by:
Nina Velnić

Produced by:
Fade In

Festivals & Awards:

Luksuz Film Festival 2009 - Best documentary award