Fade In Retrospective

Colors of the Invisible

Magdalena Petrović
Screening time  
03.03. / Saturday, 15:00 - 17:00 Theatre 1  
Prejudices and red tape, sympathy and mental institutions...

Prejudices and red tape, sympathy and mental institutions – all this is possible nowadays if you are a blind person. The film was made in cooperation with the Croatian Association of the Blind.

Magdalena Petrović

Magdalena Petrović, born in 1973, obtained her degree in Drama, Art and Music Studies (DAMS) at the University of Bologna (Italy). She worked as TV journalist and producer of documentaries, promo films and TVC/PSAs. She was managing director and producer of the Croatian production studio Fade In based in Zagreb. She is member of the Croatian Producer’s Guild. Since the end of 2010 she has been living in Paris where she works on new documentary projects.

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2006, 31', color, video

Directed by:
Magdalena Petrović

Screenplay by:
Tatjana Božić, Magdalena Petrović

Tatjana Božić

Edited by:
Morana Komljenović

Hrvoje Radnić

Magdalena Petrović

Produced by:
Fade In