Fade In Retrospective


Sandra Grubić
Screening time  
27.02. / Monday, 15:00 - 17:00 Theatre 1  
On every Labor Day, thousands of workers gather in Zagreb's Maksimir Park to get their free portion of beans. When was Labour Day introduced and what does it mean at all?

Sandra Grubić

Sandra Grubić took her degree in Italian Language and Literature at the University of Belgrade. She also received a degree in Gestalt psychotherapy. She has been working for Fade In since 2001 as TV reporter and producer of TV reports, documentary films, one short feature film ('Sirens' Castle') and promo documentaries. She co-directed a documentary film ('Return') and directed a few promo documentaries. She is also a co-author of two documentary films ('Project: Ballerina and Astronauts' and 'Return'). Since 2009 she has worked in Kreativni sindikat as producer of experimental films and art videos. In Intronaut, she organizes education in Gestalt psychotherapy and systemic constellations and works as a therapist.

General sponsor


2004, 5', color, video

Directed by:
Sandra Grubić

Iva Kraljević

Edited by:
Iva Kraljević

Igor Grubić

Produced by:
Fade In