Fade In Retrospective

Devils Red, Yellow, Green

Martina Globočnik
Screening time  
27.02. / Monday, 15:00 - 17:00 Theatre 1  
The film follows the development of social movements in Croatia since the 1970s to the early 2000s.

The film follows the development of social movements in Croatia since the 1970s (when the first hints of feminist movement can be traced) to the green and human-rights movements of the 1980s and the peace movement at the beginning of war to the early 2000s, keeping in mind the social and political changes: the disintegration of Yugoslavia, war and transition period, privatization and authoritarian regime, democratization and the 1999 elections. The film contains subjective stories of the movements' protagonists who led, organized or participated in numerous actions and in launching and development of social movements in Croatia.


Martina Globočnik

Martina Globočnik was born in Zagreb in 1977. In 1995, after obtaining her degree in Social Work, she started working as scriptwriter and journalist in children and youth program of Croatian National Television. Since 2002, she has worked in Fade In reports, 'Direkt' series, documentary and promo films like researcher, journalist, scriptwriter and film director. In 2003, she directed her first documentary film, 'Women's Business'. In 2007, she co-directed documentary film about the history of civil society in Croatia, 'Devils Red, Yellow, Green'. Since 2008, she has been working on commercial projects of Nova TV as editor and scriptwriter. Together with Vlatka Vorkapić, she worked on documentary film 'Gabriel' as researcher, scriptwriter and assistant director.

General sponsor


2007, 60', color, video

Directed by:
Martina Globočnik

Screenplay by:
Martina Globočnik

Iva Kraljević, Josip Ivančić, i Branko Vilus

Edited by:
Iva Kraljević

Bruno Motik

Igor Grubić, Sandra Grubić

Produced by:
Fade In