ZagrebDox Focuses on Austrian Docs


ZagrebDox 2013 will present four documentary films that reflect a wide spectrum of the current Austrian documentary scene: ''Mama Illegal', ''Danube Hospital'', ''The Brussels Business'' and ''Login 2 Life''.

Austrian documentary film is in its core cinema d’auteur – complete with outstanding film technicians and joined production companies. It is a cinema that strives to self-reflection and crossing the boundaries, a cinema that often opposes strict divisions between poetry and reality and that takes an interest in “other” images of the present and the past – in radical imaginations of the realistic. (Constantin Wulff,

This year’s ZagrebDox, in association with Austrian Cultural Forum Zagreb, focuses on Austrian documentary film, whose international success began in the 1990s and has since then generated a number of internationally successful documentary classics. Among other things, films like Darwin’s Nightmare by Hubert Sauper, Megacities by Michael Glawogger and Our Daily Bread by Nikolaus Geyrhalter.

ZagrebDox 2013 will present four documentary films that reflect a wide spectrum of the current Austrian documentary scene: from a touching drama about migration, Mama Illegal, to a thrilling insight into complex work processes of superior machines in Danube Hospital and The Brussels Business, to a trip to virtual alternative worlds in Login 2 Life.