International Competition

The Tundra Book. A tale of Vukvukai, the Little Rock

Aleksei Vakhrushev
Screening time  
28.02. / Thursday, 17:00 - 19:00 Theatre 1  
01.03. / Friday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 2  
02.03. / Saturday, 15:00 - 17:00 Theatre 1  
The Real Man of Tundra whose life cannot be seen apart from the deer.

Seventy-two years have passed as deer herder Vukvukai lives in the depths of Chukotka. He is an old man full of energy and wisdom – the Real Man of Tundra whose life cannot be seen apart from the deer. His people take care of a huge herd – over 14,000 deer. Their life is a non-stop struggle for survival and well-being in the harshest weather conditions of Chaun-Chukotka. They deeply believe in the strength of tradition and therefore succeed in their struggle. The ancient culture of nomadic Chukchi takes care of them, so they preserve and follow it. As far as it is now – their realm remains stable. This is the Truth of Vukvukai.


Aleksei Vakhrushev

Aleksei Vakhrushev was born in Chukotka in 1969. He graduated from All Russian State Cinematography Institute where he studied directing in 1996. He began his film career in 1993 with the documentary Time When Dreams Melt. He is a member of the Russian Union of Cinematography, the Guild of Film Directors of the Russian Federation, scientist of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the owner, producer, director and scriptwriter at High Latitudes ltd.

General sponsor

Kniga Tundry. Povest` o Vukvukaye - malen`kom kamne.

2011, 105', video

Directed by:
Aleksei Vakhrushev

Screenplay by:
Aleksei Vakhrushev

Vyacheslav Makaryev

Edited by:
Julia Trofimenko


Aleksei Vakhrushev, Olga Savelyeva

Produced by:
High Latitudes ltd

Festivals & Awards:

Golden Apricot Yerevan International Film Festival 2012 – Silver Apricot; People and Environment International Film Festival 2012 – Grand Prix; DocsDF International Documentary Film Festival of Mexico City 2012 – Best International Feature; Jean Rouch International Film Festival 2012 – Monde en Regards Prize; NIKE Award by the National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia 2011 – Best Documentary; All Russian Documentary Film Festival 2011– Best Feature-length Film, Critics Prize, The Prize of All Russian State Film Archive; White Elephant National Film Critics Award 2011 – Best Documentary; Golden Eagle Academy Award 2011 – Best Documentary