Regional Competition

Dragan Wende

Lena Müller, Dragan von Petrovic
Screening time  
25.02. / Monday, 15:00 - 17:00 Theatre 1  
28.02. / Thursday, 14:00 - 16:00 Theatre 2  
02.03. / Saturday, 19:00 - 21:00 Theatre 1  
A bordello doorman in West-Berlin wants the Wall and his past back. A tragicomical family tale in a divided city.

Young cinematographer Vuk from Belgrade embarks on the quest taken by his uncle Dragan Wende who used to be the “working-class” street king of West-Berlin’s 1970s hedonistic disco scene. Being Yugoslav, he also profited from the Berlin Wall. Today, Vuk’s uncle is an aged brothel doorman who lives off social welfare and wants the Wall back.


Lena Müller

Lena has been working in documentary films since 2007: she developed, produced, directed and distributed documentaries all over the world. Though the name doesn't reveal it, she is half German and half Yugoslav. Grew up in Berlin and in Paris, studied Philosophy, Political Science and Economics at Oxford University, worked for a human rights think-tank in Belgrade devising large-scale civil society projects, turned to acting in theatre and film and to producing. She founded a theatre and film collective in Berlin, worked for documentary companies and gained her Master in Film Studies at King's College, founded von.mü, was part of ExOriente & the Nipkow Programm, and works for BBC Worldwide. Her documentary Dragan Wende – West Berlin won Best Documentary Award at Max Ophüls Preis and in Trieste. Filmography: Dragan Wende – West Berlin (87', director & producer); FAM – Frauen am Montag, fake documentary, 2009 (co-director, producer); Je suis homo, et alors?, arte, 52', Felix-Rexhausen Award, 2007 (assistant director and producer); Lemmy Cauton – Ermittlungen gegen die Wirklichkeit, 2004, director: Bernd Reinink (actress); Angelina, directed by Daniel Hyan, 2005, (producer)


Dragan von Petrovic

Dragan grew up in Leskovac, South Serbia. Studied philosophy at the University of Belgrade and worked as a sports journalist for the TV station Studio B. Finished the AFC Film Directing School before enrolling in the Film Editing Department at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. Attended various film workshops including: Ex Oriente, Berlinale Talent Campus, Nipkow Programm, Zagrebdox Pro. Won the AVID editing award at the Kurzundschön Festival in Cologne and 1st prize at the Belgrade Alternative Film and Video Festival. His feature documentary Dragan Wende – West Berlin won the “Best Documentary Award” at the Trieste Film Festival and at Max Ophüls Preis. He works as a freelance film editor on creative documentaries and fiction feature films, as well as an editing doctor on documentary films.

Filmography: Naked (80', editor, 2013), Dragan Wende – West Berlin (88', director & editor, 2012), Ozone (30', editor, 2012), Tarot, Serbia! (60', editor, 2010), Wie im Film (40', editor, 2010), From Siam to Killing Fields (40', editor, 2008), Nisim Navonovic – The last Jew from Kosovo (40', editor, 2007), The Users (40', editor, 2005), La Casa de Asterion (16', director & editor, 2004)

General sponsor

Dragan Wende - West Berlin

Germany, Serbia
2013, 87', video

Directed by:
Lena Müller, Dragan von Petrovic

Vuk Maksimovič

Edited by:
Dragan von Petrovic

Ognjan Milošević

Lena Müller

Produced by:

Festivals & Awards:

HotDocs 2012; DokLeipzig 2012; ChopShots Documentary Film Festival 2012; Max Ophüls Preis Film Festival 2013 – Max Ophüls Award; Trieste Film Festival 2013 – Alpe Adria Cinema Award